In an industry that is heavily unregulated and dated, the pet food industry can get away with being very vague in the ingredients that are being used and overlook the safety levels of synthetic vitamins and minerals present in our pet’s food.
In order to meet AAFCO pet food requirements, many pet food companies add chemically manufactured supplements to their recipes in order to meet these standards set by AAFCO. This is usually the norm when it comes to formulation and there are certain "max" amounts allowed under certain vitamins but most of these companies do not care much about making sure that they are not exceeding these requirements. In fact, some pet food companies market the claim that they "meet or exceed" these requirements which is not what you want for your pets.
It’s a scary thought to think about but it’s the truth we need to face when feeding our pets the same food every day that’s pumped with an unknown amount of chemical supplements that we think are beneficial for them but may actually be doing more harm than good.
Too much of certain vitamins and minerals is never a good thing. There are harmful side effects to overdosing on synthetic supplementation for both humans and our pets.
Chemically manufactured supplements can pose the risk of overdoses, especially fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K which cannot be expelled from the body as easily as water soluble vitamins so they continue building up and storing large amounts in our pet’s bodies. This can eventually lead to a toxic amount of vitamins that begin floating around in their systems while they suffer silently.
Some side effects our pets may experience from excessive, artificial supplementation include agitation, nausea, stomach upset, liver failure and even death.
Animals need real food just like humans do and their bodies were built to process whole food nutrients not chemicals. Natural sources of nutrients are still powerful but gentle and can easily be balanced inside the body compared to the dangerous side effects of synthetic supplementation.
This is why Bibim Paws only uses whole food, holistic ingredients found in Mother Nature. Nothing synthetic or artificial. Just real, good food sourced from organic farms to ensure only the safest, cleanest and nutritious ingredients in your pet's bowls.